Thursday 24 March 2011

London Heathrow EGLL - Larnaca International LCLK Screenshots

Good evening!

As promised, here are some screenshots of the flight mentioned in my previous post.

I hope you enjoy the shots!  Expect to see a video tomorrow!

Level-D 767 approaching the Alps at FL350
Level-D 767 over the Alps at FL350
Level-D 767 descending into Cyprus

Level-D 767 descending into Larnaca, Cyprus
Level-D 767 slowing to follow the published approach into Larnaca International
Level-D 767 on final for runway 22 at Larnaca International

Hope you all like the screenshots.  I will upload the video highlights of this trip tomorrow both on here and on my youtube account so don't forget to check back tomorrow!

Also, if any of you have any good flights you'd like to share with me here, please do... I'm all for flying to new and unusual destinations!

Anyway, the weekend is upon us so expect a shed load of screenies, videos, tips and more from FSX FSX!

FSX... It's as real as it gets!

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